
Runa Depth Sensor (TPS)

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Runa Depth Sensor (TPS)


From scratch Depth Sensor for the Runa avatar.

🚨 4601 tris. 1 material

🚨 VRC Fury prefab included. No manual toggle creation needed.

🚨 Rigged and fitted for Torinyan's Runa avatar

🚨 Poi Pro TPS.

You need VRC Fury for the drag and drop usage: https://github.com/VRCFury/VRCFury

Poiyomi Pro required for the TPS to work: https://www.patreon.com/poiyomi/

Runa avatar: https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/bizccx


  1. FBX
  2. Textures
  3. Materials
  4. Prefab


  1. Install VRC Fury
  2. Install Depth Sensor unity package
  3. Drag and drop the prefab DepthSensorContainer to the root of the avatar.

Menu and toggles are automatically created with VRC Fury. No additional setup required.

VRC Fury and Poi Pro are not part of the package!

Feel free to use it for free or paid models.
Credit me with a link to my gumroad page when used commercially.

Terms of Use

  • Do NOT redistribute my packages in any way. If you are gifting the model to a friend, put in their discord tag/ VRC name when you purchase!
  • Feel free to use it for free or paid models
  • Do NOT claim as your own.
  • Credit me with a link to my gumroad page when used commercially
  • No refunds on purchased models

In case of help or questions contact me:

Contact: krenki#3218

Discord: https://discord.gg/Hn9FvJPvtp

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Depth Sensor

2.15 MB
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